
A l’ouest du jourdain

Un film d’Amos Gitai
Amos Gitaï retourne dans les territoires occupés pour la première fois depuis son film documentaire JOURNAL DE CAMPAGNE (1982). Gitaï circule en Cisjordanie, où il est témoin des efforts citoyens israéliens et palestiniens pour tenter de dépasser les conséquences d’une occupation qui dure depuis cinquante ans.

Amos Gitai  returns to the occupied territories for the first time since his 1982 documentary FIELD DIARY. WEST OF THE JORDAN RIVER describes the efforts of citizens, Israelis and Palestinians, who are trying to overcome the consequences of occupation. Gitai’s film shows the human ties woven by the military, human rights activists, journalists, mourning mothers and even Jewish settlers. Faced with the failure of politics to solve the occupation issue, these men and women rise and act in the name of their civic consciousness. This human energy is a proposal for long overdue change.

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